Sunflower County has some of the worst health statistics in the country.  According to the CDC:

  • 40.3% of adults are obese

  • 14.8% are diabetic

  • 35% are physically inactive

Poor diet is a major contributing factor in these health outcomes, and the lack of access to healthy, fresh food plays a significant role in determining the diets of adults and children.  

Our Heath training includes three core components that we believe are key to developing the next generation of healthy eaters and cultivators: science and health lessons, hands-on gardening activities and healthy cooking lessons. At the Freedom Project, we use our Sunflower Freedom Garden as a hands-on learning platform to build awareness and change around the food habits of our Freedom Fellows.    

After developing a love for fresh, tasty, local food, we get our Freedom Fellows up and moving!  Our students participate in fun fitness classes.  Activities range from capture the flag to circuit training, but the goal's the same: to sweat and have fun!